The Case Against Sheriffs
“By now you’ve probably seen the video of attorney general and Illinois Nazi chapter head Jeff Sessions speaking to the National Sheriffs’ Association. Here is the money quote from that speech:
“The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement. We must never erode this historic office.”
You might be somewhat almost kinda willing to consider this a slip of the tongue on Sessions’s part, or attribute his phrasing to long-standing legal vernacular (Sessions ad-libbed the inclusion of “Anglo-American” into his script). But, of course, a man can only slip up so often before you realize that he’s not all that into hiding his racism. After all, it’s not like Sessions will get FIRED over this. Donald Trump won’t fire you over any sort of moral principle; he’ll only fire you if he deems you troublesome to his own needs and desires. Sessions will probably be fired one day, but it’ll be because he didn’t shitcan Rod Rosenstein, or because he failed to draw little hearts around Trump’s name before handing him a briefing. It won’t be because he’s a monster.”